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Vice-Deans + Associate Deans

Announcement of the University of Toronto Press External Review
From: Scott Mabury, Vice President, Operations & Real Estate PartnershipsCheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: January 7, 2021Re: Announcement of the University of Toronto Press External Review As part of our ongoing process of ensuring academic excellence at U of T, the Provost and I have commissioned an external review of the University of Toronto Press […]
Appointment of Professor Ellie Hisama as Dean, Faculty of Music (PDAD&C #37)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: January 6, 2021Re: Appointment of Professor Ellie Hisama as Dean, Faculty of Music (PDAD&C #37) I am delighted to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Ellie Hisama as Dean of the Faculty of Music for a five-year term from July 1, 2021 […]
Resources for Faculty and Staff Members Supporting Students Over the Winter Break
From: Micah Stickel, Acting Vice-Provost, Students Date: December 18, 2020Re: Resources for Faculty and Staff Members Supporting Students Over the Winter Break Please distribute this broadly within your area.  As we move into the winter break, I am writing to provide you with seven things you need know should students who are experiencing difficulty reach out to you.  For emergencies, including medical emergencies, call 911 and Campus […]
Call for Nominations – Vice-Provost Strategic Enrolment Management (PDAD&C #36)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: December 18, 2020Re: Call for Nominations – Vice-Provost Strategic Enrolment Management (PDAD&C #36) I am pleased to announce the creation of a new vice-provostial role effective July 1, 2021. This position, the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management, will champion a student-centric approach to enrolment activities, take a proactive role in […]
Call for Nominations – SSHRC Impact Awards 2021 (PDAD&C #35)
From: Ted Sargent, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic InitiativesDate: December 18, 2020Re: Call for Nominations – SSHRC Impact Awards 2021 (PDAD&C #35) The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has released its call for nominations for the 2021 Impact Awards. I encourage you to share this information widely and consider preparing nominations of your […]
Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation, University of Toronto Scarborough (PDAD&C #30)
From: Wisdom Tettey, Vice-President and Principal, University of Toronto ScarboroughDate: December 15, 2020Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation, University of Toronto Scarborough (PDAD&C #30) On June 30, 2021, Professor Bernie Kraatz, will complete his term as Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation, University of Toronto Scarborough. Professor Kraatz has decided not to […]
Reappointment of Professor William A. Gough, Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough (PDAD&C #34)
From: Wisdom Tettey, Vice-President & Principal, University of Toronto ScarboroughCheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: December 15, 2020Re: Reappointment of Professor William A. Gough, Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough (PDAD&C #34) We are pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the reappointment of Professor William A. Gough, Vice-Principal, Academic […]
Announcing Provost’s Advisory Group on Lifelong Learning Opportunities (PDADC #33)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President and ProvostDate: December 9, 2020Re: Announcing Provost’s Advisory Group on Lifelong Learning Opportunities(PDADC #33) As a globally recognized research institution and a leader in post-secondary education, the University of Toronto has long been acknowledged as a significant contributor to the advancement of knowledge at the undergraduate and graduate levels. However, our commitment to education also extends to virtually all life stages […]
Announcing Four Key Advisory Roles in the Office of the Vice President, International
From: Joseph Wong, Vice-President, InternationalDate: December 9, 2020Re: Announcing Four Key Advisory Roles in the Office of the Vice President, International I am pleased to announce four key advisory roles in the Office of the Vice President International that together reinforce the university’s commitment to provide global learning and engagement opportunities for all of our students, […]
Appointment of the Director of the School of Cities (PDAD&C #32)
From: Melanie Woodin, Dean, Faculty of Arts & ScienceCheryl Regehr, Vice-President and ProvostDate: December 8, 2020Re: Appointment of New Director of the School of Cities (PDAD&C #32) We are writing to inform you that Professor Karen Chapple has been named the new Director of the School of Cities at the University of Toronto where she […]