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Chairs + Graduate Chairs + Academic Directors

Feedback for Initial Proposed Recommendations for Accessibility in Postsecondary Education
From: Ben Poynton, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) OfficerDate: August 6, 2021Re: Feedback for Initial Proposed Recommendations for Accessibility in Postsecondary Education Text: Established by the Ontario government in 2017, the Postsecondary Standards Development Committee has brought forward for public comment and feedback a comprehensive series of draft recommendations on what accessibility standards […]
Appointment of Dr. Pierre Piché as Interim Chief Financial Officer (PDAD&C #6)
From: Meric Gertler, PresidentDate:  July 30, 2021Re: Appointment of Dr. Pierre Piché as Interim Chief Financial Officer (PDAD&C #6) As announced in PDADC Memo #80, Sheila Brown is retiring from her role of Chief Financial Officer on July 31, 2021.  I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Pierre Piché as Interim Chief Financial Officer effective […]
Appointment of Kristin Taylor as University Counsel and Chief Legal Officer (PDAD&C #5)
From: Meric Gertler, President Date: July 30, 2021 Re: Appointment of Kristin Taylor as University Counsel and Chief Legal Officer (PDAD&C #5) I am delighted to announce the appointment of Kristin Taylor as University Counsel and Chief Legal Officer, effective September 13, 2021. Reporting directly to the President, the University Counsel and Chief Legal Officer […]
Appointment of Professor Alexie Tcheuyap as Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, International Student Experience (PDAD&C #4)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostJoseph Wong, Vice-President, InternationalDate:  July 30, 2021Re:   Appointment of Professor Alexie Tcheuyap as Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, International Student Experience (PDAD&C #4) We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Alexie Tcheuyap has received governance approval for a five-year term as Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, International Student Experience, beginning September 1, […]
International Work Arrangements (PDAD&C #9)
From: Trevor Young, Acting Vice-President & ProvostKelly Hannah-Moffat, Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity, and CultureJoseph Wong, Vice-President, InternationalDate: July 30, 2021Re: International Work Arrangements (PDAD&C #9) The University of Toronto continues to build and strengthen international partnerships as one of its three key priorities. Collaborating and engaging with researchers and thought leaders around the world increases […]
Call for Proposals — Global Classrooms (PDAD&C #10)
From: Joe Wong, Vice President, InternationalDate: July 30, 2021Re: Call for Proposals — Global Classrooms (PDAD&C #10) In alignment with the university’s commitment to providing all students with access to a globally relevant education through a variety of pathways, funding is available to support the development of Global Classrooms through a second call for proposals, Global Classrooms offer an […]
Call for Nominations – University of Toronto President’s Impact Awards (PDAD&C #7)
From: Leah Cowen, Associate Vice-President, ResearchDate: July 29, 2021Re: Call for Nominations – University of Toronto President’s Impact Awards (PDAD&C #7) I am pleased to announce the fifth annual call for nominations for the University of Toronto President’s Impact Awards, which celebrate and honour faculty members whose research has led to significant impact beyond academia. […]
Accommodation for Religious Observances (PDAD&C #8)
From: Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, Students Date: July 29, 2021 Re: Accommodation for Religious Observances (PDAD&C #8) I am writing to remind you of the University’s commitment and policy concerning accommodation for religious observances and ask that you forward this information to instructors in your department. As you may already be aware, this year Rosh Hashanah will fall on […]
Appointment of Dr. Catherine Chandler-Crichlow as Dean of the School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #3)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostTrevor Young, Acting Vice-President & ProvostDate: July 20, 2021Re: Appointment of Dr. Catherine Chandler-Crichlow as Dean of the School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #3) I am delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Catherine Chandler-Crichlow as Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, effective November 1, 2021. Dr. Chandler-Crichlow comes […]
Update on the Dean of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (PDAD&C #2)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostTrevor Young, Acting Vice-President & ProvostDate: July 14, 2021Re: Update on the Dean of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (PDAD&C #2) Professor Dexter Voisin will be stepping down from his appointment as Dean of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, effective December 31, 2021. Professor Voisin has accepted an […]