- Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (PDAD&C #83)
- To: Faculty, Students, and Staff, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical EducationPrincipals, Deans, Academic Directors and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 10, 2020Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (PDAD&C #83) In accordance with Section 60 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, President Gertler […]
- Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (PDAD&C #81)
- To: Faculty, Students, and Staff, Ontario Institute for Studies in EducationPrincipals, Deans, Academic Directors and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 10, 2020Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (PDAD&C #81) In accordance with Section 60 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic […]
- [COVID-19] Planning and Re-Entry Advisory Group
- To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President and ProvostVivek Goel, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic InitiativesDate: June 9, 2020Re: [COVID-19] Planning and Re-Entry Advisory Group The University of Toronto is preparing for a gradual and safe return to our campuses for faculty, librarians, staff and students. As an institution, we are following the advice of public […]
- Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2019-20 Academic Year (PDAD&C #80)
- To: Principals, Deans, Vice-Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs, & Academic Directors; Chief Adminstrative Officers and Divisional Academic HR LeadsFrom: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic LifeDate: June 4, 2020Re: Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2019-20 Academic Year (PDAD&C #80) This memo is further to PDAD&C memos #58 and #61, the latter of which encouraged […]
- Agreement on Revisions to the Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-time Faculty (PDAD&C #79)
- From: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic LifeDate: June 4, 2020Re: Agreement on Revisions to the Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-time Faculty (PDAD&C #79) We are very pleased to announce that the University administration and University of Toronto Faculty Association [UTFA] have reached an agreement on a proposed revision to the Policy […]
- Announcing the Appointment of the 2020 University Professors (PDAD&C #78)
- To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 4, 2020Re: Announcing the Appointment of the 2020 University Professors (PDAD&C #78) I am pleased to announce that the Academic Board of Governing Council has approved the appointment of two University Professors for 2020. The University of Toronto owes much of its reputation […]
- 2020 Recipients of the President’s Teaching Award (PDAD&C #77)
- To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 4, 2020Re: 2020 Recipients of the President’s Teaching Award (PDAD&C #77) I am pleased to announce that the Academic Board has approved the three recipients of the 2020 President’s Teaching Award. The President’s Teaching Award recognizes excellence and innovation in teaching, classroom […]
- Approach for Research Recovery and Adaptation and COVID-19 Guideline for Reopening Research Spaces
- To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors & Chairs From: Vivek Goel, Vice-President, Research & Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives Lori Ferris, Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Compliance Date: May 28, 2020 Re: Approach for Research Recovery and Adaptation and COVID-19 Guideline for Reopening Research Spaces The University of Toronto is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all of our community members and to the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses, […]
- Appointment of Provostial Advisor on Recruitment, Enrolment, and Educational Space & Technology, and Associated Portfolio Changes (PDAD&C #76)
- To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost Date: May 28, 2020Re: Appointment of Provostial Advisor on Recruitment, Enrolment, and Educational Space & Technology, and Associated Portfolio Changes (PDAD&C #76) I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Dwayne Benjamin as the Provostial Advisor on Recruitment, Enrolment, and Educational Space & […]
- Staffing Announcement: Richard Levin, Executive Director Enrolment Services and University Registrar
- From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostSandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, StudentsDate: May 21, 2020Re: Staffing Announcement: Richard Levin, Executive Director Enrolment Services and University Registrar After almost a decade of exceptional leadership, Richard Levin has decided to step down this fall from the position of Executive Director, Enrolment Services and University Registrar. During his tenure, the University of Toronto saw […]