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Vice-Deans + Associate Deans

University of Toronto Renews Elsevier Contract
From: Larry Alford, Chief Librarian  Date:   April 29, 2020Re:  University of Toronto Renews Elsevier Contract  The University of Toronto (U of T) has renewed their contract with Elsevier for 2021-2023 through the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN). Driven by a bold negotiation strategy, this deal significantly reduces costs for U of T and participating institutions across Canada, supports U of  T authors publishing their research open access, and ensures transparency of the agreement.   Through this agreement, […]
Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #65)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: April 23, 2021Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #65) In keeping with the process laid out in Section 60 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, President Gertler has appointed a committee to advise on the appointment of a new […]
Updates to the Guide to Financial Management re: Dependent Care Expenses
From: Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life Date: April 22, 2021Re: Updates to the Guide to Financial Management re: Dependent Care Expenses We want to draw your attention to some updates and changes that have been made to the Guide to Financial Management in respect of expense […]
Appointment of an Interim Dean, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (PDAD&C #64)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: April 21, 2021Re: Appointment of an Interim Dean, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (PDAD&C #64) I am pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Normand Labrie as Interim Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education for a one-year […]
Update on the Senior Legal Counsel, Office of the President (PDAD&C #63)
From: Meric Gertler, PresidentDate: April 16, 2021Re: Update on the Senior Legal Counsel, Office of the President (PDAD&C #63)  I am writing to update you on impending changes in the area of legal services delivery at the University. Mr. Steve Moate will retire from his role as Senior Legal Counsel, Office of the President on June 30, […]
Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (PDAD&C #62)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: April 14, 2021Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies(PDAD&C #62) In accordance with Section 61 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, President Gertler has appointed a committee to advise on the appointment of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. […]
Call for Nominations – Advisory Committee for the Dean, School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #60)
From:    Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: April 7, 2021Re: Call for Nominations – Advisory Committee for the Dean, School of Continuing Studies(PDAD&C #60) On June 30, 2021, Dr. Maureen MacDonald will complete her term as Dean of the School of Continuing Studies. Dr. MacDonald has chosen to step down and retire. During her time as […]
Appointment of Professor Trevor Young as Acting Vice-President and Provost and Professor Patricia Houston as Acting Dean of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine (PDAD&C #61)
From: Meric Gertler, PresidentDate: April 7, 2021Re: Appointment of Professor Trevor Young as Acting Vice-President and Provost and Professor Patricia Houston as Acting Dean of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine (PDAD&C #61) I am pleased to announce that the Governing Council has approved the appointment of Professor Trevor Young as Acting Vice-President and Provost for […]
2021 Recipients of the President’s Impact Award (PDAD&C #59)
From: Leah Cowen, Associate Vice-President, ResearchDate: April 1, 2021Re: 2021 Recipients of the President’s Impact Award (PDAD&C #59) I am delighted to announce the recipients of the 2021 President’s Impact Awards. The President’s Impact Awards (PIA) celebrate and honour faculty members whose research has led to significant impact beyond academia. They recognize contributions that emerge […]
Call for Nominations—Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (PDAD&C #58)
From: Meric Gertler, PresidentDate: March 31, 2021Re: Call for Nominations—Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (PDAD&C #58) The President’s Advisory Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS) was created in 2017, with the goals of making sustainability a key component of the University of Toronto identity, achieving international leadership in the […]