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Principals + Vice-Principals

Provostial Funding for the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity’s Faculty Success Program & Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program, 2020-21
To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and Chairs; Divisional Academic HR Offices; Business OfficersFrom: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic LifeDate: June 18, 2020Re: Provostial Funding for the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity’s Faculty Success Program & Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program, 2020-21 This memo is intended to remind Deans, Principals, Chairs, and Directors that the […]
2019-20 Recipients of the Early Career Teaching Award and Teaching Fellowship (PDAD&C #84)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostSusan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate EducationDate: June 18, 2020Re: 2019-20 Recipients of the Early Career Teaching Award and Teaching Fellowship (PDAD&C #84) We are delighted to announce the recipients of the 2019-20 University of Toronto Early Career Teaching Award. In addition to congratulating this year’s recipients, we would like to thank the […]
[COVID-19] Curbside Pickup Service and Technology Access Service
To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and Chairs   From: Larry Alford, Chief Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries    Date: June 16, 2020 Re: [COVID-19] Curbside Pickup Service and Technology Access Service   Beginning June 22, Robarts Library will offer a Curbside Pickup Service for print books not available through the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service. Online requests will begin June 18. Students, faculty and staff are eligible to use this […]
Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Music (PDAD&C #82)
To: Faculty, Students, and Staff, Faculty of MusicPrincipals, Deans, Academic Directors and ChairsFrom:  Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 10, 2020Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Music (PDAD&C #82) In accordance with Section 60 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, President Gertler has appointed a committee to advise on […]
Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (PDAD&C #83)
To: Faculty, Students, and Staff, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical EducationPrincipals, Deans, Academic Directors and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 10, 2020Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (PDAD&C #83) In accordance with Section 60 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, President Gertler […]
Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (PDAD&C #81)
To:         Faculty, Students, and Staff, Ontario Institute for Studies in EducationPrincipals, Deans, Academic Directors and ChairsFrom:    Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate:    June 10, 2020Re:         Announcing the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (PDAD&C #81) In accordance with Section 60 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic […]
[COVID-19] Planning and Re-Entry Advisory Group
To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President and ProvostVivek Goel, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic InitiativesDate: June 9, 2020Re: [COVID-19] Planning and Re-Entry Advisory Group  The University of Toronto is preparing for a gradual and safe return to our campuses for faculty, librarians, staff and students. As an institution, we are following the advice of public […]
Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2019-20 Academic Year (PDAD&C #80)
To: Principals, Deans, Vice-Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs, & Academic Directors; Chief Adminstrative Officers and Divisional Academic HR LeadsFrom: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic LifeDate: June 4, 2020Re: Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2019-20 Academic Year (PDAD&C #80) This memo is further to PDAD&C memos #58 and #61, the latter of which encouraged […]
Agreement on Revisions to the Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-time Faculty (PDAD&C #79)
From: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic LifeDate: June 4, 2020Re: Agreement on Revisions to the Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-time Faculty (PDAD&C #79) We are very pleased to announce that the University administration and University of Toronto Faculty Association [UTFA] have reached an agreement on a proposed revision to the Policy […]
Announcing the Appointment of the 2020 University Professors (PDAD&C #78)
To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and ChairsFrom: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & ProvostDate: June 4, 2020Re: Announcing the Appointment of the 2020 University Professors (PDAD&C #78) I am pleased to announce that the Academic Board of Governing Council has approved the appointment of two University Professors for 2020. The University of Toronto owes much of its reputation […]