Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (PDAD&C #80)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President and Provost
Date: May 9, 2019
Re: Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (PDAD&C #80)

The University’s Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment came into effect on January 1, 2017 and applies to all students, staff and faculty. The Policy outlines the University’s response to incidents of sexual violence involving members of the University community, as well as supports for those who have experienced sexual violence. The Policy is an important component of the University’s commitment that all members of the University community should have the ability to study, work and live in a campus environment free from sexual violence, including sexual harassment.

Section IX of the Policy states that “the University will conduct a review of this policy every three years that will include members of the University community, including students, staff and faculty, and will amend the Policy as appropriate.” I am announcing the beginning of this policy review process, which will run until September 30, 2019.

Closely related to the Policy are two other components of the University’s response to sexual violence, which should also be considered part of the review:

  • Since the Policy came into effect, the University has released the Student’s Companion to the Policy, which helps students and those who work with students understand and navigate the Policy and address any questions about the Policy and the procedures surrounding it.
  • Established as part of the University’s Action Plan on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre has locations on each campus to help students, staff and faculty who have been affected by sexual violence or sexual harassment access support, services and accommodations. In order to provide additional context for the review, the Centre has produced a fact sheet outlining its activities since opening in 2017.

All members of the University community are invited to submit their feedback on the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, the Student’s Companion to the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, and the work of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre through the consultation website. Online submissions will be accepted until September 30, 2019.

Open in-person consultation sessions for students, staff and faculty will be held early in the new academic year. These dates will be communicated shortly.

Sexual violence on campus is an evolving issue, and continuing to address it requires that we revisit the Policy and its associated resources on a regular basis. I look forward to your feedback as we engage in this process. Any questions or comments about the review process can be sent to