Reminder – Upcoming Deadline to Submit Notice of Intention to Retire for Faculty (PDAD&C #31)

From: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: March 28, 2024
Re: Reminder – Upcoming Deadline to Submit Notice of Intention to Retire for Faculty (PDAD&C #31)

This is a formal notice that under the customary process, faculty members who wish to retire on June 30, 2025 or enter the phased retirement program must give notice of their intention by June 30, 2024. This is the annual formal reminder of this deadline.

Now is the time to remind faculty members in your unit to start thinking about retirement options so they have enough time to gather information to make an informed decision.

Faculty members and librarians considering retirement are encouraged to read the following articles posted to the HR Service Centre: Process to RetirePlanning to Retire and Income & Benefits in Retirement. Additional information for Chairs, Deans, and Directors is available online.

This year’s retirement programming will be presented in two parts:

  1. a series of on-demand, pre-recorded videos will be made available between mid-April and June 30;
  2. a virtual Q&A session will be held on April 30, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.

Faculty members and librarians enrolled in the University Pension Plan, ages 54-72 have been notified about this year’s programming.

For more information on retirement options, please reach out to the Academic HR contact in your Dean’s Office or the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life at