Register for the Indigenous Research Network

From: Shannon Simpson, Director, Office of Indigenous Initiatives
Date: January 12, 2023
Re: Register for the Indigenous Research Network

Recently, Professor Dale Turner was appointed as the new Provostial Advisor on Indigenous Research. As part of his role, Professor Turner will also lead the Indigenous Research Network (IRN) an Institutional Strategic Initiative operating out of the Division of  People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) and the Division of the Vice-President and Provost, through the Office of Indigenous Initiatives.  

The IRN’s mission is to build and nurture a global research community between researchers at UofT, researchers at other institutions, Indigenous knowledge keepers, and Indigenous communities that respects and places Indigenous ways of knowing at the centre of our research practices.

In order to initiate these efforts, the IRN welcomes Indigenous researchers as well as those who do research with Indigenous communities to register with the network to stay up-to-date with events and connect with other Indigenous research projects across U of T.  Any additional questions can be sent to