Consultation on a Proposal for Academic Restructuring of the Faculty of Forestry (PDAD&C #44)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: December 18, 2018
Re: Consultation on a Proposal for Academic Restructuring of the Faculty of Forestry (PDAD&C #44)

In March 2017, I announced a collegial, inclusive, and deliberative process of exploration and consultation under paragraph 5 of the University’s Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Librarians on Academic Restructuring (‘the Policy’) to consider the context and parameters of potential academic restructuring of the Faculty of Forestry. The consultation process included consideration of potential structures that would allow academic programs and research related to the discipline of forest sciences at U of T to flourish and have stability and sustainability, including related programs and research in cognate units. Professor Elizabeth Smyth was announced as chair of a series of consultation sessions scheduled with potentially affected academic units. In addition, a consultation website was launched at that time, through which faculty members and librarians, as well as students, staff, and other stakeholders, were invited to provide input.

After this first phase of consultation, my office produced a discussion paper and initiated a second phase of consultation, inviting feedback and participation from all potentially affected faculty members, librarians, and other key constituents.

Following that second phase of consultation, a proposal for academic restructuring has been drafted that would see faculty members, students, and staff from the Faculty of Forestry join the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design (FALD). The proposal contains all elements required under paragraph 6 of the Policy.

As per paragraph 7 of the Policy, all faculty members of the Faculty of Forestry and FALD have been notified in writing that academic restructuring is being proposed. The proposal will enter governance in May 2019. Over the next 120 days, I am inviting faculty members, librarians, students, staff, and other stakeholders to submit their comments on the proposal through the consultation website. I will be sharing any comments received through the website with the Deans of Forestry and FALD. As required under the Policy, both Deans will establish and communicate a process to engage faculty members in collegial discussion. The Deans will be hosting a series of meetings for faculty members, students, and staff from their units to hear the details of the proposal and provide input.

I remain strongly committed to identifying the best structure for forestry-related academic programs and research to flourish at the University of Toronto and I look forward to productive discussions as we continue to explore options for academic restructuring.

Questions about the current consultation process can be sent to