Call for Nominations for the Working Group on Civil Discourse (PDAD&C #25)
From: Trevor Young, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 9, 2024
Re: Call for Nominations for the Working Group on Civil Discourse (PDAD&C #25)
In January, I appointed Professor Randy Boyagoda as the inaugural Provostial Advisor on Civil Discourse. to support the University in fostering an environment in which robust dialogue, academic curiosity, and civil engagement on difficult questions can thrive.
One of Professor Boyagoda’s responsibilities in this role is to chair a working group on civil discourse. This group will contribute advice, suggestions, and insights towards strengthening a culture of civil discourse on campus, including the cultivation of dialogue across different points of view and the discussion of challenging subjects, in pursuit of truth and in service of shared understandings and the greater good. The group’s work will consider activities both in and beyond the classroom, and also within and across programs, departments, divisions, and the institution itself. Members of this group will also be invited to participate in consultations about civil discourse in a variety of settings and formats, involving diverse constituencies.
We are now calling for nominations for this working group. Senior Assessors to the group will be Professor Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost Students, and Professor Joshua Barker, Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. In addition to the Chair and Assessors, the composition of the Task Force will include:
- Five students (at least one of whom will be a graduate student); and
- Five faculty members (representing both the teaching and tenure streams).
The working group will have representation from all three campuses and a variety of departments and divisions and will meet on a recurring basis through April 2025. Recognizing the great range and diversity of perspectives across our institution, the working group will ensure that through consultations there are opportunities for all members of the U of T community to contribute their views to this important initiative.
Nominations (including self-nominations) may be submitted via online form by February 23, 2024.