Call for Nominations – 2020 Awards of Excellence (PDAD&C #20)

From: Barbara Dick, Assistant Vice-President, Alumni Relations
Date: October 10, 2019
Re: Call for Nominations – 2020 Awards of Excellence (PDAD&C #20)

The University of Toronto Alumni Association (UTAA) welcomes your nominations and applications for the 2020 Awards of Excellence (AWEX). This annual program celebrates exemplary members of the U of T community who have made a significant impact through their efforts and engagement.

The program is managed on behalf of the UTAA by Alumni Relations in close collaboration with the offices of the Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and the Vice-President, HR & Equity, as well as the School of Graduate Studies, and Enrolment Services. The awards and their corresponding deadlines are as follows.

Faculty Awards

Staff Awards

Student Awards

Faculty, Staff, and Student Awards

In addition, nominations are currently being accepted for Rose Wolfe Distinguished Alumni Award recognizing an individual who demonstrates outstanding achievement in their professional life, dedication to charitable and social causes, and extraordinary service to the university.  This award represents the highest honour the University of Toronto and the UTAA can jointly bestow upon an individual.

Nominations for the Rose Wolfe Distinguished Alumni Award are due by December 2, 2019.

University community members are encouraged to nominate and support worthy candidates for these awards. Detailed information is available on the Awards of Excellence and the Rose Wolfe Award websites.

All award recipients will be recognized at a ceremony in the spring of 2020.