Call for Feedback – Canada Research Coordinating Committee Consultation (PDAD&C #5)

From: Vivek Goel, Vice-President, Research & Innovation
Date: August 2, 2018
Re: Call for Feedback – Canada Research Coordinating Committee Consultation (PDAD&C #5)

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) plays an important role in reinvigorating Canada’s support for science to meet the current and future needs of the country’s scientists, scholars, and students. The Committee was created by the federal government to improve the coordination efforts of Canada’s granting agencies—SSHRC, NSERC, and CIHR—as well as the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

The CRCC has launched a national consultation to reinvigorate Canada’s support for science and to position Canada as a global leader in research excellence. This is an opportunity for Canadians, the research community, and the next generation of scientists, scholars, and students to help shape research in Canada.

The vision for the future of Canada’s research landscape is a bold, world-leading, and highly coordinated system of federal support for science—a system that contributes to the social and economic well-being of Canadians.

The CRCC invites your feedback on three key priorities:

  1. A new Tri-Agency Research Fund
  2. Strengthening equity, diversity, and inclusion in research
  3. Support for early career researchers

Feedback for the initial consultation should be submitted to by Monday, August 27. The results will be shared shortly after this date for a further consultation.