Appointment of an Interim Dean, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy (PDAD&C #99)
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: June 28, 2019
Re: Appointment of an Interim Dean, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy (PDAD&C #99)
I am pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Lisa Dolovich as Interim Dean of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy for a one-year term, beginning July 1, 2019. The onset of her term coincides with the appointment of current Interim Dean, Professor Christine Allen as Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, Strategic Initiatives at the University of Toronto (PDAD&C #100, 2018-19).
Professor Dolovich joined the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community as a student in 1984, where she completed her BScPhm and PharmD, before completing her MSc in Health Research Methodology at McMaster University. She joined the Faculty as an Assistant Professor in 1999 and was appointed to the rank of Full in 2017. Professor Dolovich currently holds the Ontario College of Pharmacists Professorship in Pharmacy Practice and is distinguished in the pharmacy community for her research work and expertise on pharmacist integration into the primary care team, as well as the implementation and evaluation of complex interventions in health care and expanded professional pharmacy services.
Professor Dolovich is the co-founder of the Ontario Pharmacy Evidence Network, a multi-institutional and interdisciplinary research program aimed at providing high-quality evidence to better understand and manage medications for use by government, patients, and healthcare providers. She also co-leads the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program, which was recognized by the Canadian Medical Association Journal as a Top Canadian Achievement in Health Research in 2013; and leads the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Cross-Disciplinary Training Program, which is funded by CIHR to increase Canada’s capacity for drug safety and effectiveness research. She has more than 190 peer-reviewed publications and has received numerous honours and awards for her scholarship. She was recognized as the first-ever Canadian Pharmacist of the Year in 2003, and in 2017 she was honoured as a Canadian Pharmacists Association Centennial Pharmacist.
Professor Dolovich is highly regarded for her engagement at the Faculty and her collaborative and collegial leadership style. Her long-standing involvement on broad range of academic and administrative committees, as well as her familiarity with the Faculty’s vision, challenges, and opportunities, will provide continuity for the Faculty in the coming year.
Please join me in thanking Professor Allen for her service as Interim Dean over the past year, and Professor Dolovich for her willingness to take on this important interim role. My office will be sharing more information about the search for a new Dean of the Faculty in the coming weeks.