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2020-21 Course Evaluation Data: COVID-19 (PDAD&C #4)

From: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Vice Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Date: July 16, 2020
Re: 2020-21 Course Evaluation Data: COVID-19 (PDAD&C #4)

This memo is further to PDAD&C, 2019-20, #57 which was issued on March 24, 2020.

We wish to thank all faculty members for their continued commitment and creativity in adapting and delivering their courses and supporting student learning during this unprecedented pandemic.

It is the policy of the University of Toronto that every course be evaluated. The University is aware that over the course of the 2020-21 academic year (which includes summer 2020, fall 2020, and winter 2021 course offerings) course evaluations will be administered in the context of significant changes to course structures and delivery format.

The University advises all Chairs, Academic Directors and Deans reviewing course evaluation data for the purposes of PTR (Progress Through the Ranks), tenure, continuing status and promotion processes, and for the sessional lecturer advancement process, to consider course evaluation data in this context.

The University will communicate this message to all instructors. In addition, a letter that confirms this message, and that can be used by all instructors at any time when their course evaluation data is reported, is available on Quercus, in the Course Evaluations tab, for instructors to download.