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Update on the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #82)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: June 24, 2021
Re: Update on the Advisory Committee for the Dean of the School of Continuing Studies (PDAD&C #82)

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Maureen MacDonald has kindly agreed to lead the School of Continuing Studies until the arrival of the new Dean. I am very grateful to Dr. MacDonald for her willingness to provide leadership at the School during the first few months of her retirement. The search process for the next Dean is well underway and an announcement is expected shortly.

Since joining the School of Continuing Studies (SCS) in 2017, Dr. MacDonald has been an advocate for learners interested in gaining new knowledge and skills. She has fostered excellence at all levels of SCS and has taken the lead on developing a range of new offerings at the School in emerging areas such as machine learning and data science. Dr. MacDonald also oversaw the development of several new delivery modes at SCS, including bootcamps, micro courses, and training sessions for corporate and organizational partners. Most recently, under Dr. MacDonald’s leadership, SCS transitioned more than two-thirds of its offerings to online formats. Dr. MacDonald’s accomplishments have accelerated SCS as a leader in continuing education and positioned the School for continued success in the years to come.