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Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2018-19 Academic Year (PDAD&C #79)

From: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: May 3, 2019
Re: Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2018-19 Academic Year

This memo is to assist with the performance evaluation process for faculty members and librarians. It contains important information concerning salary increases and the administration of the PTR/5% merit scheme.  Both the PTR and 5% merit awards are based on the performance assessment for 2018-19. (See the Academic Salary Administration section of the AAPM for details.)

Salary Increases

Effective July 1, 2019, all faculty and librarians are entitled to an across the board [ATB] increase of 1% applied to the June 30, 2019 base salary plus a flat dollar amount of $1,630 pro-rated for part-time faculty and librarians in accordance with their FTE based on the terms of the second year of the two year agreement with UTFA for 2018/19 and 2019/20.

PTR Mechanism for the Calculation of Merit Pools

The University and UTFA have agreed that the calculation of Merit (PTR and 5%) for the 2018-19 year will use the mechanism that had been used prior to 2015-16. This means that all faculty will receive the full amount of the ATB. No residual money will be generated and directed from ATB to increase PTR pools.

5% Merit Pool

Recommendations with respect to 5% Merit Pool awards in multi-department Faculties should be forwarded to the Dean in line with instructions provided by the Dean’s Office.

Deans of single department Faculties should forward their recommendations for the 5% Merit Pool by June 12, 2019 to Jane Harrison, Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life ( Approval of awards will be provided by June 20, 2019.

Further information concerning the merit (PTR/5% merit) process is available in the AAPM.

Implementation of the PTR Mechanism for 2018-19

  • The PTR pool amounts will be available in the FIS B6 application in early May. Specific details will follow from Planning & Budget.
  • Instructions on the HRIS implementation of these increases will be circulated to your Business Officers. The full instructions regarding HRIS processing will also be available in May via the AMS listserv.
  • Revised salary letter templates are available online.

The following are the details of breakpoints and contributions.

PTR for Tenure-Stream, Part-Time, and CLTA Faculty:

Breakpoint: $166,350

Amount contributed to pool per FTE:

Below Breakpoint – $ 3,640*

Above Breakpoint – $ 2,060*

PTR for Teaching-Stream Faculty (Continuing and Term Appointments):

Breakpoint: $148,350

Amount contributed to pool per FTE:

Below Breakpoint – $ 3,395*

Above Breakpoint – $ 1,970*

PTR for Librarians:

Breakpoint: $126,100

Amount contributed to pool per FTE:

Below Breakpoint – $ 2,845*

Above Breakpoint – $ 1,405*

*These amounts exclude the 5% set aside for allocation through the 5% merit pool.