Undergraduate Research Hub (PDAD&C #39)

From:  Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Date: May 2, 2024
Re: Undergraduate Research Hub (PDAD&C #39)

I am delighted to announce the launch of the Undergraduate Research Hub, an institutional website dedicated to supporting undergraduate research at U of T. Along with my office, the project was sponsored by the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives, the Office of the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management and the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students.

Student Support

The Undergraduate Research Hub underscores the value U of T places on undergraduate research. The site makes research opportunities more accessible for students by outlining various pathways to engage in research, highlighting existing research initiatives and emphasizing the role of faculty, staff and librarians in supporting undergraduate student research.

Faculty / Staff / Librarian Support

In addition to supporting students, the Hub offers resources for faculty, staff and librarians. It provides recruitment strategies, offers insights on effective supervision of undergraduate students, details funding opportunities and outlines the various ways students support research at U of T.

We encourage you to share the Undergraduate Research Hub with students, faculty, staff and librarians. If your unit would like a demonstration of features on the Hub, please reach out to vp.iue@utoronto.ca.