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Reminder – Tri-Campus Review Online Questionnaire (PDAD&C #24)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: October 12, 2018
Re: Reminder – Tri-Campus Review Online Questionnaire (PDAD&C #24)

On March 29, the President and I announced the launch of the Tri-Campus Review, under the theme identified in Towards 2030, “One University, Three Campuses.” The Tri-Campus Review is guided by a steering committee and built upon five pillars, each with its own working group. Each working group has tri-campus representation, will develop principles to guide future decision-making, and will propose changes to policy and procedure as appropriate.

Close consultation with divisions and academic units will be key to informing the efforts of these working groups. As a first step in the consultation process, we invite faculty members and librarians to complete an online questionnaireThis questionnaire gathers broad information about academic planning and academic change, as well as operational information about roles, structures, and processes in graduate units. Its purpose is to create a shared foundation of knowledge and data for the remainder of the consultation process and the work of each working group. The questionnaire should be completed before Friday, November 30.

There will be more opportunities for consultation with faculty members and librarians in the months ahead. Consultation with academic units through the questionnaire and in-person meetings will be crucial to ensuring that the recommendations emerging from the Tri-Campus Review are informed by the views and expertise of colleagues from across the three campuses.

Any questions about the questionnaire or the Tri-Campus Review can be sent to