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Reappointment of Professor Sandy Welsh as Vice-Provost, Students (PDAD&C #24)

From: Trevor Young, Vice-President & Provost
Date: February 13, 2025
Re: Reappointment of Professor Sandy Welsh as Vice-Provost, Students (PDAD&C #24)

I am pleased to announce that the Executive Committee of Governing Council has approved the reappointment of Professor Sandy Welsh as Vice-Provost, Students, for a three-year term, from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028.  First appointed as Vice-Provost, Students in 2015, Professor Welsh is scheduled to complete her second five-year term on June 30, 2025. 

As Vice-Provost, Students, Professor Welsh works closely with student leaders, academic administrators, and staff members across the divisions and three campuses to improve the student experience at the University of Toronto, including student life, international student services, and student health and wellness, including mental health and counselling. She has demonstrated exceptional leadership in her portfolio, championing a wide range of high-profile initiatives and activities, including: policy development and review; significant organizational changes related to student mental health and other support services; revitalized planning for residences; and improved student engagement on a range of issues. In addition, Professor Welsh contributes to the postsecondary education sector through her participation on several COU and other provincial bodies. Above all, Professor’s Welsh’s principled approach and tireless commitment to the institution, its students and faculty, have been a tremendous asset to the University’s leadership team. 

Prior to her appointment as Vice-Provost, Students, Professor Welsh served as Vice-Dean, Graduate Education & Program Reviews, Acting Chair of the Department of Sociology, Acting Vice-Dean for Teaching and Learning, and Special Advisor to the Dean at the Faculty of Arts & Science. Appointed to the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of Arts & Science, Professor Welsh’s primary research is on workplace sexual harassment, with most recent funded research focusing on federally regulated workers.

Please join me in congratulating Professor Welsh on her reappointment as Vice-Provost, Students.