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Province of Ontario’s Student Choice Initiative (PDAD&C #3)

From: Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, Students
Date: July 12, 2019
Re: Province of Ontario’s Student Choice Initiative (PDAD&C #3)

I am writing to provide an update on the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities’ Tuition Fee Framework and Ancillary Fee Guidelines for Publicly-Assisted Universities as it applies to student services and student society fees.

Since the release of the guideline in late March, a number of people across the University have been working to have fees established and the system in place.  I want to thank all those involved in making this happen under such tight timelines.

We appreciate the work of our student services and societies. Their contributions add to the student experience and enrich our campuses.

On Monday, July 15, the opt-out system for non-essential student societies and services fees as defined under the provincial framework will go live.  This is a transition year to the new fee structure and system.  As such, we will be reviewing the opt-out rates to determine the impact on student societies and University services over the coming year.

The opt-out system will be open for the fall term until September 19, 2019.  The system will re-open for the winter term (dates to be announced soon).  I do want to emphasize that students must actively opt-out of non-essential (or optional) fees through ACORN.  This is not an opt-in process.  Students who miss the deadline or do not select to opt-out will be charged all non-tuition incidental fees.

Students will see the module for the non-tuition incidental fees in ACORN on Monday, July 15.  Additional information is available at: