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Now Available – Student Health & Well-being at the University of Toronto: A Report on the findings from the National College Health Assessment (PDAD&C #88)

From: Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, Students
Date: April 11, 2017
Re: Now Available – Report on Student Health and Well-Being Findings from the National College Health Assessment  (PDAD&C #88)

The University of Toronto, together with universities and colleges across Canada and the United States, participated in the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) in 2016. This survey is administered every 3 years to assist university health service providers, health educators, counsellors, and administrators by collecting data about students’ habits, behaviours, and perceptions on prevalent health topics. The report, Student Health & Well-being at the University of Toronto: A Report on the findings from the National College Health Assessment, is now available online. Faculty and staff are encouraged to review the report to help us understand the health of our students.

Divisions or units interested in learning more about the findings from this report are encouraged to contact the following:

General Inquiries

David Newman
Senior Director, Student Experience

Jeff Burrow
Manager, Assessment & Analysis, Student Life

St. George

Janine Robb
Executive Director, Health & Wellness


Andrea Carter
Assistant Dean, Student Wellness, Support and Success


Laura Boyko
Assistant Dean, Health, Wellness, Physical Activity, Recreation & Sport