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Nominations for the Interim Dean of the Faculty of Information (PDAD&C #12)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: October 16, 2015
Re: Nominations for the Interim Dean of the Faculty of Information (PDAD&C #12)

In accordance with the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, I am writing to call for nominations of individuals to serve as Interim Dean of the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto beginning January 2016. The Advisory Committee began meeting during the Summer Term. Given the point that the Committee is at within the search process, an Interim Dean will be appointed to lead the Faculty for a one-year period or until a new Dean is appointed.

I will begin consultations regarding the interim appointment immediately. Nominations and thoughts about the desired qualities of the Interim Dean should be sent by Friday, October 30 to the attention of Assistant Provost Archana Sridhar by mail (Room 225, Simcoe Hall, 27 King’s College Circle) or by email to

All nominations and communications will be received in confidence.