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Merit (PTR and 5% Merit Award) Process for 2017-18 (PDAD&C #94)

From: Sioban Nelson, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: May 18, 2018
Re: Merit (PTR and 5% Merit Award) Process for 2017-18 (PDAD&C #94)

I am writing further to PDAD&C #91 sent Friday, May 4 to provide an update on the Merit (PTR/5% Merit) process for faculty and librarians for the 2017-18 academic year.

The University has reached a tentative agreement with the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA), which was ratified by UTFA on Tuesday, May 15, and will go forward for approval at Business Board on Tuesday, June 19. This interim communication is intended to provide Faculties/Divisions with clarity on timelines and next steps.

The expectation is that all increases will be implemented in time for the July 2018 pay for all faculty and librarians. We anticipate being able to communicate further with information on ATB, merit pools, the mechanism to be used in calculating PTR, and language for PTR letters on Wednesday, June 20.

Pending further communication, units should continue with the evaluation of faculty and librarians in their pools.


The PTR pools for distribution are not yet available in the HRIS B6 application, pending Business Board approval. However, the Breakpoints are available, allowing units to rank faculty relative to colleagues in their respective pools.

Breakpoint for Tenure-Stream, CLTA, and Part-time Non-tenure-stream faculty:

Breakpoint for Teaching-Stream Faculty (Continuing, CLTA and Part-time appointments):

Breakpoint for Librarians:

5% Merit Pool

Recommendations with respect to 5% Merit Pool Awards in multi-department faculties should be forwarded to the Dean in line with instructions provided by that Office.

Deans of single department faculties should forward their recommendations for the 5% Merit Pool by Wednesday, June 6 to Jane Harrison. Confirmation will be provided by Monday, June 25.

Jane Harrison
Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life

Further information concerning the Merit (PTR/5% merit) Process is available online.