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Learning and Education Advancement Fund – Request for Proposals 2016-17 (PDAD&C #69)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: June 2, 2016
Re: Learning and Education Advancement Fund – Request for Proposals 2016-17 (PDAD&C #69)

Fund Overview

The Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education invites proposals for the 2016-17 round of the Learning and Education Advancement Fund (LEAF). The focus of this program is to enrich the learning experience of undergraduate students in first-entry Divisions across the University by supporting projects that anticipate, leverage, and create positive changes in both the modes and mechanisms of undergraduate education at the University of Toronto. The Fund will provide academic divisions and units with a means to develop and enhance the assessment and application of high-impact teaching practices within the range of learning environments at the University.

Beyond Divestment:

In support of the President’s response to the Advisory Committee on Divestment from Fossil Fuels, the Provost will support the funding of climate change-related initiatives by prioritizing the theme within select programs and encouraging participation from across the academy in developing new research projects and curricular innovations.

LEAF funds have been earmarked for projects that address this theme. Any proposals that engage with this theme should highlight this component within the application materials.

For a full list of the 2016 thematic areas, please reference the LEAF website.

Teaching and Learning Proposal Writing Workshop

In support of instructors and staff interested in the LEAF program and other teaching and learning funding opportunities, the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation will be hosting a two-hour workshops that will share general strategies and suggestions for successful applications and address the main criteria that these proposals should address. For more information and to register, please follow the links below:

The workshops will take place on June 15th and August 24th, both between 2:00-4:00pm, at CTS (Robarts Library, 4th Floor).

Application Information

Information regarding the application process is now available on the LEAF website:

The deadline for applications is Friday, November 11th, 2016.

Applications must be completed through the online submission form available on the LEAF website.

The LEAF website also contains an overview of the proposal guidelines, a complete list of proposal requirements, and downloadable proposal template documents.

Please direct questions regarding the application guidelines, requirements or process to:
Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education