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Invitation to Participate in the Academic Processions at Convocation

From: Louis Charpentier, Secretary of the Governing Council
Date: October 15, 2015
Re: Invitation to Participate in the Academic Processions at Convocation

The Academic Procession continues to be an important part of the long and dignified tradition of the convocation ceremony at the University of Toronto. A procession that includes a strong representation from the division is a visible demonstration of the value that we place on convocation and the celebration of our students’ achievements.

From October 13 to 26, members of the Governing Council, Faculty, and Staff will be able to RSVP online to participate in the Academic Processions for the Fall 2015 convocation ceremonies running November 9 to 13:

  • To participate, please consult the schedule of ceremonies and complete the RSVP Form on the Office of Convocation website by October 26, 2015;
  • A Regalia Rental Service will be available from October 13th to 26th for individuals to rent/purchase regalia, all of which can be collected on the day of the ceremony from Croft Chapter House, University College, 15 King’s College Circle;
  • Participants are required to assemble 30 minutes prior to the ceremony on the 2nd Floor of Simcoe Hall, 27 King’s College Circle.

For more information, visit the Office of Convocation website or contact 416-978-3629.