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Faculty and Librarian Performance Evaluation and Merit Process for 2019-20 (PTR/5% Merit) (PDAD&C #58)

To:  Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and Chairs; Chief Administrative Officers and Divisional HR Leads
From:   Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: March 25, 2020
Re: Faculty and Librarian Performance Evaluation and Merit Process for 2019-20 (PTR/5% Merit) (PDAD&C #58)

I am writing to confirm that the Provost and the Deans, in consultation with UTFA, have agreed to extend the annual performance evaluation process timeline for faculty members and librarians by two months in consideration of the current COVID-19 situation. There will be no change in the period being reviewed. The timetable outlined in Deadlines and Key Activities should be adjusted accordingly.  Deans will shortly be revising communications to faculty members. 

We do not yet have an agreement with UTFA on compensation for faculty and librarians for July 2020. We will issue a further memo concerning compensation and the performance evaluation process as soon as possible.  Any increases will be retroactive to July 1, 2020. 

Further information concerning the faculty and librarian performance evaluation and merit (PTR/5% merit) process is available here: