From: Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education & Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Date: October 1, 2019
Re: Centre for Teaching Supporting & Innovation (CTSI) – Call for Director Nominations (PDAD&C #17)
On June 30, 2020 Professor Carol Rolheiser will complete her second term as Director of the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI). Professor Rolheiser is not eligible for reappointment.
Over the past 10 years, Professor Rolheiser has overseen the evolution of CTSI from a newly established unit, emerging from the amalgamation of the Office of Teaching Advancement (OTA) and the Resource Centre for Academic Technology (RCAT) in 2009, to become a true institutional “teaching hub”, building partnerships and collaboration across the University, within Ontario, and in international teaching and learning communities. Under Professor Rolheiser’s leadership, CTSI has explored new innovations in teaching, significantly expanded awareness of and support for the scholarship of teaching and learning, and played a key role in the production and broad-based dissemination of effective pedagogical practices across the University.
As a champion of quality teaching and innovation to support the student experience, Professor Rolheiser has been instrumental in creating and supporting internal and external partnerships and collaborations to further the University of Toronto’s culture of teaching and reputation as an institution that is committed to teaching excellence.
As part of the search process for the next CTSI Director, I would like to request suggestions for individuals to consider for the role. Please send suggestions and comments to Julian Weinrib, Director, OVPIUE at 416.978.4918.
CTSI leadership reports to the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education. The Director, a U of T faculty member with demonstrated leadership in teaching and innovation, is responsible for the overall mandate and strategic direction of the Centre, including connecting with senior academic administrators across the university. They chair a CTSI Advisory Committee charged with informing on programmatic issues and strategic opportunities and directions. They will be an effective mentor, coach, and communicator of the University’s commitment to teaching and innovation, with a vision for building capacity in leadership related to teaching, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and student engagement. The Director will also have strong collaborative skills in building partnerships and implementing projects university-wide.