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Call for Nominations – Expert Panels on the University’s Sexual Violence Response (PDAD&C #50)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: April 6, 2016
Re: Call for Nominations – Expert Panels on the University’s Sexual Violence Response (PDAD&C #50)

In our response to the Final Report of the Presidential and Provostial Advisory Committee on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence, President Meric Gertler and I accepted all of the Committee’s recommendations and outlined the immediate steps we will take to address each of them.

To that end, President Gertler and I are striking three bodies whose expert knowledge will guide the implementation of the recommendations.

Expert Panel on Sexual Violence Policies

An Expert Panel on Sexual Violence Policies will be established to advise me and Professor Angela Hildyard, Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity, on developing a new policy on sexual violence as well as reviewing existing policies that address sexual violence and sexual harassment. Through broad consultation with the University community, the panel will develop advice on the reporting process for sexual violence cases and on the investigation, resolution, and adjudication processes for such cases. As well, the panel will make recommendations regarding a companion document that will explain procedures related to the approved policies. The new policy and all proposed policy revisions will then be considered for approval by University governance before January 1, 2017, as required by provincial legislation.

The panel will be chaired by Mayo Moran, Professor of Law and Provost of Trinity College, and will begin meeting in May.

The President and I invite nominations for one undergraduate student, one graduate student, one administrative staff member, and one faculty member to join this panel. Nominees should have research, scholarly, and/or professional expertise on issues of sexual violence, such as the development of policies and response protocols. Nominations may be submitted by email to Mae-Yu Tan, Senior Projects Officer (, by April 22, 2016. In the email, please name the expert panel to which the individual is being nominated, outline why she/he would be an excellent candidate, and provide her/his contact information. Self-nominations are welcome.

Expert Panel on Education and Prevention of Sexual Violence

An Expert Panel on Education and Prevention of Sexual Violence will be established to guide the planning and implementation of coordinated evidence-based education and training initiatives, including education on the new and revised policies and guidelines related to sexual violence response. The expert panel will provide input on the content and delivery of these programs and will also serve as a valuable resource for the new Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre (SVPSC).

The panel will be chaired by Professor Gretchen Kerr, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, and will begin meeting in May.

The President and I invite nominations for one undergraduate student, one graduate student, one administrative staff member, and one faculty member to join this panel. Nominees should possess research expertise related to sexual violence education and/or prevention, and experience in curricular design. Nominations may be submitted by email to Mae-Yu Tan, Senior Projects Officer (, by April 22, 2016. In the email, please name the expert panel to which the individual is being nominated, outline why she/he would be an excellent candidate, and provide her/his contact information. Self-nominations are welcome.

Sexual Violence Climate Survey Advisory Board

A University of Toronto Sexual Violence Climate Survey Advisory Board is being established to help guide the development of a tri-campus survey and its implementation. The climate survey will be an important tool for benchmarking, understanding, and addressing sexual violence in the University community. The Advisory Board will consult across the institution, including with faculty, on-campus service providers, students, survivors, and local community services.

The panel will be chaired by Professor Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, Students, and will begin meeting in May.

The President and I invite nominations for one undergraduate student, one graduate student, one administrative staff member, and one faculty member to join the Advisory Board. Nominees should have expertise on sexual violence through relevant research and scholarship. Individuals with professional experience in supporting survivors would also bring valuable perspectives to the Advisory Board’s work. Nominations may be submitted by email to Mae-Yu Tan, Senior Projects Officer (, by April 22, 2016. In the email, please outline why the individual would be an excellent candidate for the Advisory Board, and provide her/his contact information. Self-nominations are welcome.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact:

Mae-Yu Tan
Acting Senior Projects Officer
Office of the Vice-President & Provost