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Call for Feedback – Institutional Strategic Research Plan (PDAD&C #22)

From: Vivek Goel, Vice-President, Research & Innovation
Date: October 12, 2017
Re: Call for Feedback – Institutional Strategic Research Plan (PDAD&C #22)

The University of Toronto is committed to supporting excellence in research and innovation across our three campuses and with our community partners.

In the spring, I invited members of the U of T community to contribute to the development of the University’s Institutional Strategic Research Plan (ISRP) through a consultation and development process. From March to September 2017, in addition to an online survey, I met with members of the U of T community through town halls across our three campuses as well as with meetings with academic units and groups. Your feedback helped identify and structure the draft ISRP that is now available for your further input.

The consultation feedback indicated that the ISRP structure reflected the breadth of U of T research within a flexible framework with relevant broad thematic research areas while expressing our core commitments to research excellence. However, I also heard that the themes, and especially the subthemes, would benefit from a refresh to align with current and potential future areas of research and innovation. Feedback also indicated that we should refine our strategic objectives and include metrics by which we would measure our success in meeting the objectives.

I look forward to your comments and suggestions regarding this draft as we complete the development of an SRP to cover the coming 5-year period. The University’s Research Advisory Board continues to provide their guidance, as well as critical leadership in the consultation process with the academic divisions.

Your input is a very important part of the planning process, and I thank you in advance for your engagement. Input can be provided by completing the online survey, or by email to, and should be submitted by Friday, November 3.