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Appointment of Professor Ulrich Krull as Vice-President, University of Toronto and Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga (PDAD&C #119)

From: Meric Gertler, President
Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: June 28, 2017
Re: Appointment of Professor Ulrich Krull as Vice-President, University of Toronto and Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga (PDAD&C #119)

We are pleased to announce that the Governing Council has approved the appointment of Professor Ulrich (Ulli) Krull as Vice-President, University of Toronto and Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga, for a three-year term effective July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020.

Professor Krull has been serving as the Interim Vice-President and Principal, UTM since September 1, 2016. Over the course of this past year Professor Krull has demonstrated his deep passion for, and commitment to, the UTM campus. He has brought outstanding leadership skills to his role as Interim Vice-President and Principal ensuring that UTM has maintained its forward momentum. His visionary, strategic, and innovative thinking have inspired the UTM community and are the precise qualities that make him exceptionally well suited to lead UTM over the next several years.

Before taking on the role of Interim Vice-President and Principal, UTM, Professor Krull served as Vice-Principal, Special Initiatives at UTM. In 2015, he served for six months (July 1 – December 31) as Acting Vice-President and Principal, UTM during Professor Deep Saini’s administrative leave. Over his career he served in a number of academic administrative roles at UTM: Vice-Principal, Research (2003-2013); Associate Dean of Sciences (1994-99); and, Vice-Dean, Graduate (2006-08).

In addition to demonstrating a longstanding commitment to University service, he is also an active member of the community, both locally and internationally. Professor Krull’s recent past leadership roles include service as Chair of the Healthy City Stewardship Centre and as Vice-Chair of Advantage Mississauga. He continues to serve on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Europtrode Conference series, the Board of Directors of the Research Innovation Commercialization Centre, and as a member of the Mississauga Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee at the invitation of Mayor Crombie. Past awards and honours have included the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award at UTM, the Paul W. Fox Alumni Award at UTM, the University of Toronto Faculty Award, the Life Sciences Ontario Community Service Award, the inaugural Outstanding Contributor Award from the School of Continuing Studies, and the McBryde Medal and the Maxxam Lecture Award from the Canadian Society for Chemistry.

Krull is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry, holds the AstraZeneca Chair in Biotechnology, and is recognized as one of the leading analytical chemists in Canada. His scholarship focuses on bioanalytical research and the development of molecular diagnostics technologies for biomedical and environmental applications. He received his PhD from the University of Toronto (1983) and has over 200 refereed publications and eight patents. We very much look forward to continuing to work with Professor Krull as a member of the vice-presidential team.

Finally, we would like to thank the members of the Advisory Committee for their involvement in this critical process and for their thoughtful advice and guidance.