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Appointment of Janelle Joseph as Director, Academic Success Centre and Assistant Director, Transitional Year Programme (PDAD&C #10)

From: Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, Students
Heather Kelly, Senior Director, Student Success
Date: August 30, 2017
Re: Appointment of Janelle Joseph as Director, Academic Success Centre and Assistant Director, Transitional Year Programme (PDAD&C #10)

We are delighted to share that Janelle Joseph has been appointed Director, Academic Success Centre (0.5 FTE) effective September 1, 2017. She has also accepted a 0.5 FTE secondment as Assistant Director, Transitional Year Programme (TYP) for 11-months (September 2017 to July 2018).

Janelle completed her PhD and two post-doctoral research fellowships (in New Zealand and Canada) in the areas of sport and race. Her Banting SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship research focused on physical activity in criminal justice settings and her book “Sport in the Black Atlantic: Cricket, Canada and the Caribbean Diaspora” was released in January 2017. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer in the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education at U of T and has been teaching undergraduates since 2007. She is deeply committed to learner success through the universal design, anti-oppression frameworks, and experiential learning opportunities she implements.

There is a longstanding relationship between Academic Success and the Transitional Year Programme, so this work will deepen the connections between the two units and connect TYP students to the learning skills, study habits, and resilience programming Academic Success offers.

Please join us in congratulating Janelle on her new role(s).