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Announcing the Presidential and Provostial Advisory Group on Alternative Funding Sources (PDAD&C #47)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: January 11, 2017
Re: Announcing the Presidential and Provostial Advisory Group on Alternative Funding Sources (PDAD&C #47)

As noted in PDADC#36, a call for nominations was issued for the Presidential and Provostial Advisory Group on Alternative Funding Sources. I am pleased to announce the composition of the Committee as follows:

Professor Cristina Amon, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering (Co-Chair)
Mr. Brian Lawson, Governor; Alumnus, Trinity College (Co-Chair)
Professor Ben Alarie, Faculty of Law
Mr. Preet Banerjee, Governor; Alumnus, University of Toronto Scarborough
Professor Randy Boyagoda, Principal, University of St. Michael’s College
Mr. Gilbert Delgado, Administrative Staff, University Planning, Design & Construction
Mr. Gary Goldberg, Governor; Alumnus, University College
Ms. Mary Lyne, Administrative Staff, Rotman School of Management
Professor Paul Santerre, Faculty of Dentistry; Institute of Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering
Mr. Adam Sheikh, Student, Faculty of Arts & Science
Professor Soo Min Toh, Institute for Management and Innovation, University of Toronto Mississauga
Ms. Sally Garner (Assessor)
Mr. Jeff Lennon (Project Manager)

The Advisory Group will begin meeting this term and continue its work throughout 2018. Questions can be directed to:

Sally Garner
Senior Strategist, Operational Initiatives