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Announcing the Expert Panel on Off-Campus Site Safety (PDAD&C #56)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost 
Date: February 21, 2019 
Re: Announcing the Expert Panel on Off-Campus Site Safety (PDAD&C #56) 

The University of Toronto is fortunate to own several properties not located on its three campuses, which are regularly used for experiential learning, co-curricular activities, and other institutional purposes such as field research. The University remains committed to ensuring the continued safety of all participants on these off-campus properties. 

The University wishes to review the safety of these sites in light of the activities occurring on them. To this end, I am appointing an Expert Panel on Off-Campus Site Safety, composed of University faculty and staff who have relevant training, experience, and expertise to assess the safety of the sites, review existing site safety practices and operating procedures, and make related recommendations.  

The goal of the Expert Panel’s work will be to provide Recommendations related to safety at U of T-owned off-campus properties as well as properties that may not be directly owned by the University but are used for similar University-related activities, such as student camps and outings at leased spaces. 


I am pleased that the following individuals have agreed to assist the University as members of the Expert Panel: 

  • Ira Jacobs, Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (Chair) 
  • Raymond Copes, Chief, Environmental and Occupational Health, Public Health Ontario and Associate Professor, Occupational and Environment Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health 
  • Gina Trubiani, Director, Occupational Health and Safety, Office of Environmental Health & Safety  

The Expert Panel will begin its work immediately, and every effort will be made to finalize the Report and Recommendations by June 30, 2019. 

Members of the University community are welcome to submit feedback and other information with regard to the Expert Panel’s work by contacting Tomas Flecker, Special Projects Officer, Office of the Vice-President and Provost at