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CTSI’s Faculty Mentoring for Teaching Research Report and Pilot Program (PDAD&C #20)

From: Sioban Nelson, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: September 28, 2016
Re: CTSI’s Faculty Mentoring for Teaching Research Report and Pilot Program (PDAD&C #20)

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) at the University of Toronto undertook a research study to examine faculty mentoring for teaching. The report includes an extensive literature review of the mentoring field, findings from interviews with U of T continuing appointment faculty, and a Divisional environmental scan of U of T faculty mentoring programs and initiatives. Few mechanisms are in place for ensuring optimal matches are made, sustained, and beneficial to both parties. This report offers evidence that faculty of all career stages, but particularly those new to U of T, can benefit from a variety of mentoring models and approaches. CTSI completed its report in July 2016 and has shared its recommendations with the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs/Faculty & Academic Life, Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education, and Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity. Read the report on CTSI’s website here. Download the report here.

U of T administrators, faculty, and staff who work directly or indirectly with faculty may draw upon the most appropriate mentoring approach and/or model highlighted from the evidence presented in this research report. CTSI is currently developing a range of practical tip-sheets and guides, and is welcoming applicants for its Peer-to-Peer Faculty Mentoring for Teaching Pilot Program.

For more information and details about the program application please visit CTSI’s Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Faculty Mentoring for Teaching webpage.