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Call for Submissions – Federal Science Review & Consultation

From: Vivek Goel, Vice-President, Research & Innovation
Date: August 17, 2016
Re: Call for Submissions – Federal Science Review & Consultation

The deadline to provide an online submission to Canada’s Fundamental Science Review is September 30, 2016. As noted in PDAD&C #2, the mandate for this review includes research across disciplines, research funding provided by the three Granting Councils (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC), as well as other federally supported programs. It is important that all scholars at the University consider their research to be within the scope of the review’s mandate, whether or not they themselves define their work as fundamental science.

Based on initial input from the online submission process, the Panel has developed sets of questions that dive deeper into topics that are important to the community. These questions are directed at:

  • Researchers
  • Institutions & Administrators (including research hospitals)
  • Students, Trainees, and Post-Docs

We encourage members of the University community to provide their own input using the links noted above, and to share their submission with us via email, at We also request that you share this information with your faculty, students, and post-docs. They are encouraged to both review the key themes underpinning U of T’s institutional response and submit their views.