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Update on Merit (PTR/5%) for the 2022-23 Academic Year (PDAD&C #37)

From: Randy Boyagoda, Acting Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: May 5, 2023
Re: Update on Merit (PTR/5%) for the 2022-23 Academic Year (PDAD&C #37)

I am writing in follow-up to the announcement that the University and UTFA have reached agreement that July 1, 2023 PTR will be paid to faculty and librarians in the July 2023 pay run. Both the PTR and 5% merit awards are based on the performance assessment for the 2022-23 year. (See the Academic Salary Administration section of the AAPM for details.)

Salary Increases

Further communications will be issued regarding any ATB changes payable July 1, 2022 and July 1, 2023 when that information is available.

PTR Mechanism for the Calculation of Merit Pools

The University and UTFA have agreed that the calculation of Merit (PTR and 5%) will be paid to faculty members and librarians in the July 2023 pay period and that funds will be allocated using the PTR model that was used for the payment of July 2022 PTR, i.e., PTR pools are generated solely from the salary pools above and below the Breakpoint.  

In the absence of any final agreement or award regarding any additional ATB increase payable July 1, 2022, Faculties should proceed with the calculation of merit based on the existing July 1, 2023 PTR breakpoints and increments found here.

5% Merit Pool

Recommendations with respect to 5% Merit Pool awards in multi-department Faculties should be forwarded to the Dean in line with instructions that will be provided by the Dean’s Office.

Deans of single-department Faculties will receive a memo with specific timelines for submission of their recommendations for the 5% Merit Pool shortly and should plan to finalize them by end of May. Further information concerning the merit (PTR/5% merit) process is available in the AAPM.

Further information on processing PTR in HRIS and the revised salary template letter will be shared in the coming weeks.