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Announcing the Advisory Committee for the SGS Vice-Dean, Students (PDAD&C #24)

From: Joshua Barker, Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education & Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Date: March 3, 2023
Re: Announcing the Advisory Committee for the SGS Vice-Dean, Students (PDAD&C #24)

On June 30, 2023, Professor Yana Yunusova will complete her term as Interim Vice-Dean, Students. SGS is grateful to Prof. Yunusova for her successive terms as Acting and later Interim Vice-Dean, Students.  In these capacities she has been instrumental in leading reviews of processes and policies around graduate supervision, program progress, and program extensions; expanding the Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision; and developing new policies related to graduate student wellness.

In accordance with Section 84 of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, I have appointed a special committee to advise on possible candidates for the role of Vice-Dean, Students. Reporting to the Dean, School of Graduate Studies, and Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education, the Vice-Dean, Students, is responsible for matters of academic integrity, the Code of Student Conduct, graduate appeals, graduate student issues, non-standard admissions, program extensions, graduate faculty membership, final oral examinations, and the Mental Health Advisory Committee. The Vice-Dean provides academic oversight to the Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision. The Vice-Dean collaborates closely with University partners to advance inclusive excellence in graduate research and education across the institution.

The composition of the committee is as follows:


Prof. Joshua Barker, Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education & Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Committee Members:

Prof. Christopher J. Damaren, Director, Institute for Aerospace Studies
Prof. Ramin Farnood, Graduate Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, FASE
Prof. Dionne Gesink, Associate Dean, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Prof. Susan B. Jaglal, Graduate Chair, Department of Physical Therapy
Prof. Kajri Jain, Graduate Chair, Department of Art History
Prof. Juvenal Ndayiragije, Chair, Department of Language Studies, UTSC
Prof. Cheryl Suzack, Director, Centre for Indigenous Studies

The Advisory Committee will begin meeting shortly and welcomes comments and nominations from interested persons. These may be sent to the attention of Brian Desrosiers-Tam, Assistant Dean, by email at by March 30, 2023. Communications will be received in confidence and will be anonymized before consideration by the Advisory Committee.