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Call for Nominations – 2022 Awards of Excellence

From: Barbara Dick, Assistant Vice-President, Alumni Relations
Date: September 30, 2021
Re: Call for Nominations – 2022 Awards of Excellence

The University of Toronto Alumni Association (UTAA) welcomes nominations and applications for the 2022 Awards of Excellence (AWEX). This program annually recognizes exemplary members of the U of T community who have made a significant impact through their contributions and engagement.

The President’s Excellence Award is a significant addition to the Awards of Excellence this year and will recognize exceptional contributions by administrative staff members and librarians for their service and their support of the University’s mission. The award comprises three distinct categories – Emerging Excellence, Distinguished Excellence, and Influential Excellence.

Awards of Excellence deadlines vary and are listed below for your reference.

Faculty Awards

Staff Awards

Student Awards

Faculty, Staff, and Student Awards

Members of the University community are encouraged to nominate and support worthy candidates for these awards. Detailed information is available on the Awards of Excellence website.

The Awards of Excellence program was founded by the UTAA and currently the awards are led by the offices of the Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and the Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity & Culture, as well as the School of Graduate Studies, and Enrolment Services. DUA Alumni Relations continues to convene the award process, coordinate communications and support the award stakeholders.