Update on Merit (PTR/5%) for the 2020-21 Academic Year (PDAD&C #79)

From: Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: June 17, 2021
Re: Update on Merit (PTR/5%) for the 2020-21 Academic Year (PDAD&C #79)

I am writing further to PDAD&C #69 to update you concerning July 1, 2021 PTR.

To date, the University and UTFA have not reached an agreement about July 1, 2021 PTR. Consequently, it will not be possible to pay July 1, 2021 PTR as part of the July 2021 pay run.


As you know, the University and UTFA agreed in January 2021 on the payment of July 1, 2020 PTR (See PDAD&C #41). Faculty members and librarians received that increase retroactive to July 1, 2020. Salary, benefits and workload negotiations with the University of Toronto Faculty Association (“UTFA”) for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 continue. No agreement has, as yet, been reached regarding an across-the-board (“ATB”) salary increase for the 2020-21 academic year.

Salary, benefits and workload negotiations with UTFA for the period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 have not yet commenced.

July 1, 2021 PTR

As outlined previously in PDAD&C #69, the University proposed to UTFA in March of 2021 that the University and UTFA agree that July 1, 2021 PTR be paid to faculty and librarians in the July 2021 pay run, using the same PTR payment model as was used for the July 1, 2020 PTR payment even though salary, benefits, and workload negotiations for the period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 have not yet commenced. The University’s proposal is that PTR breakpoints and increments will remain the same as they were for the July 1, 2020 PTR exercise and that, should there subsequently be an ATB percentage wage increase for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 agreed to or awarded, the University would then make an additional payment of PTR retroactive to July 1, 2021 of any difference owing based on increasing the breakpoints and increments by the amount of the ATB percentage wage increase agreed to or awarded for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. To date, the University and UTFA have not reached an agreement.

Action Needed by July 1, 2021:

  1. Provide written feedback from the current assessment process to faculty members and librarians, as usual. This feedback should include the basis for evaluation in each of the components of the appointment (eg. the criteria for evaluation; points or scale where used) in line with PDAD&C #53.
  2. Complete and provide salary letters to all faculty members and librarians (either in combination with or in addition to the feedback provided above). Because we do not yet have information regarding ATB or PTR amounts, salary letters will not include salary details. The template salary letter has been posted to the AAPM and shared with Dean’s Offices.  

We will follow up with you to provide further information about payment of July 1, 2021 PTR when it is available.