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Institutional Teaching Support Review and Faculty Survey

From: Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Date: June 19, 2019
Re: Institutional Teaching Support Review and Faculty Survey

As part of the University’s ongoing process of ensuring academic excellence, I have commissioned an external review of the institutional teaching supports at the University of Toronto for 2019-20. Reviews of this nature provide an opportunity to solicit feedback from the university community, invite expert advice from leaders in the field, and receive guidance on key strategic decisions.

In support of this review, on Monday, June 24 my office will be deploying an Institutional Teaching Culture Survey to all faculty members holding continuing appointments at the University. This is an opportunity for faculty members to provide input on future directions for teaching and learning services and supports provided by the University.

While many institutions choose to undertake teaching-support reviews through an examination of central teaching units, such as the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation, the forthcoming review will undertake a broader examination of the University’s teaching culture and the range of institutional teaching supports available to faculty members with continuing appointments, such as teaching and learning grants, awards, fellowships, and other support initiatives.  In addition, as the University’s teaching and learning environment has evolved significantly since the inception of CTSI 10 years ago, the review of institutional supports will include an examination of how such supports align with and complement the campus and division-specific infrastructure that have emerged locally.

Any questions or comments about the review process can be sent to