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Extension of Professor Donald Ainslie’s Appointment as Principal, University College (PDAD&C #92)

From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Date: June 6, 2019
Re: Extension of Professor Donald Ainslie’s Appointment as Principal, University College
(PDAD&C #92)

I am pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the extension of Professor Donald Ainslie as Principal of University College for a six-month term from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Professor Ainslie has been the Principal of University College for nearly a decade and has demonstrated outstanding academic and administrative leadership of one of the University’s oldest colleges. Professor Ainslie’s achievements include leading the College through a highly successful revitalization process, solidifying the College’s foundational-year UC One program, and playing a key role in the creation of the Art Museum at the University of Toronto. In addition to his many achievements at University College, Professor Ainslie has gone above and beyond in service to the University. He has served as my Provostial Advisor on Undergraduate Humanities in Education, Co-Chaired the Landmark Committee on the Historic Campus, and Chaired the Toronto Sesquicentennial Steering Committee.

Professor Ainslie joined the Department of Philosophy in 1996. He received his BSc from Queen’s University and his MA and PhD in from the University of Pittsburgh. Professor Ainslie’s scholarship focuses on the history of modern philosophy and bioethics.

As noted in PDAD&C#60, Professor Markus Stock has been appointed as the next Principal of University College for a 5-year term, beginning on January 1, 2020.

Please join me in thanking Professor Ainslie for taking on this extension, and his continued service to the University.