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Administrative Changes to Faculty Libraries (PDAD&C #39)

From: Larry Alford, Chief Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries
Edward Iacobucci, Dean, Faculty of Law
Tiff Macklem, Dean, Rotman School of Management
Don McLean, Dean, Faculty of Music
Richard Sommer, Dean, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
Date: March 8, 2016
Re: Administrative Changes to Faculty Libraries (PDAD&C #39)

Effective May 1, 2016 the Shore + Moffat Architecture, Landscape, and Design Library, the Rotman Business Information Centre, the Bora Laskin Law Library, and the Faculty of Music Library will be changing budgetary and administrative reporting structures to become more closely integrated with the University of Toronto Central Library system.  This change brings these libraries in line with the longstanding arrangements for other discipline-specific libraries including the Engineering and Computer Science Library, the Dentistry Library, and the OISE Library which work effectively as part of the central library system.

As part of the central library system, the budget for these four additional libraries will now be allocated at the university resource level; head librarians will report directly to the University of Toronto Chief Librarian or designate with a dotted line report to the Dean of their Faculties.

This administrative change will create more opportunities for collaboration amongst libraries and library staff and strengthen their ability to innovate and respond to continuing changes in research, teaching and learning. The libraries will maintain their individual identities and continue to serve their Faculties and communities as before. The change in reporting and budgetary structure will have no impact on access or use of these libraries and will result in no changes in library staff or locations.