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Faculty and Librarian Performance Evaluation and Merit Process for 2017-18 (PTR / 5% Merit) (PDAD&C #91)

From: Sioban Nelson, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Date: May 4, 2018
Re: Faculty and Librarian Performance Evaluation and Merit Process for 2017-18 (PTR / 5% Merit) (PDAD&C #91)

This memo is intended to confirm that the annual performance evaluation process for faculty members and librarians should be underway.

The University recently reached a tentative agreement with UTFA concerning salary and benefits. This agreement has yet to be ratified by the parties.

In the meantime, units should initiate the merit assessment process as normal. The timetable outlined in Deadlines and Key Activities should be adhered to by all Faculties/divisions.

A further memorandum will be issued once the salary increases including PTR / Merit are confirmed.